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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Week 12:  Final Blog Post for EDU533 - Learning Through Technology

June 11, 2014

Why is Technology Integration Important?

Why is it important for all teachers to integrate technology into the lessons they teach, regardless the age of the students?

Integrating technology into the classroom today is not important, it is imperative!  Technology continues to change at increasing speeds and the careers of tomorrow are going to be unlike anything we have seen before.  As educators we must teach our students the skills they will need for the jobs they will do in the future.  With the continuing advancement of technology, expanding access to the internet, and new applications, programs, and tools being developed every day I believe without a doubt that any job in the future is going to require not only the understanding of technology, but continuous use of various types of technology.  I agree with Mary Beth Hertz  talking about technology integration in the classroom and stating "the ultimate goal being seamless integration".  Imagine if every classroom looked like this:

Discuss what may be barriers to technology integration and how you as the teacher can overcome them.

I believe that the two biggest barriers to technology integration are first the availability of resources, meaning the actual devices, internet access, etc., and second the teachers and administrators who are currently teaching the students who continue to resist change.  In his article Shaping Tech for the Classroom, Marc Prensky identifies these two barriers at "The Big Tech Barrier" and "The Social Barrier".  I believe these two barriers go hand in hand because if the majority of our teachers and administrators are resisting the use of technology in education the less likely we are to get the resources we need to actually integrate technology into the classroom.  As a teacher the most important things I can do to overcome these barriers is to educate everyone I know about the importance of technology education in the classroom and to strive to use technology seamlessly in my classroom.

During this class I have learned about many different tools that I can use in the classroom to help engage the students and enhance their learning through the use of technology.  I have developed lesson plans which include the use of Google Docs, AnimotoTagxedo, Google Blogger,, and much more.  The most important thing I have learned about technology integration in the classroom is the need for my own network of professional educators to collaborate with.  There is so much knowledge and information out there and I want to make sure I have access to as much of it as possible.



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