Week 4 - Vision of Technology Integration
April 21, 2014
My vision of technology integration in education starts with
one simple idea. I want my children to
be interested in going to school to learn.
Right now it is almost a daily occurrence where I hear one of the
following from one of my daughters:
“I don’t want to go to school.” “School is boring.”
“We don’t learn anything useful in school."
“When am I ever going to use this in real life?”
My vision of technology integration is:
Every student having a device which will give them access to unlimited learning

Using various forms of technology to engage children of all ages and different learning styles to be curious and to become life-long learners
Technology is very much a part of our lives and what better way to engage our students than through their favorite mediums? At Vandalia-ButlerCity Schools the teachers and administration have embraced technology integration and are constantly working to improve student engagement.
I researched different ways of using technology in the classroom I found that
the information available is endless and there is no need to recreate the
wheel. I can use presentation software
(Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezzi, etc.) to create a game show to present material
to a student. I can use a tablet or
computer to take a virtual field trip, learn physics, play interactive
educational games, or Skype with another classroom anywhere in the world. I can teach students to use a blog to post
their ideas and have conversations with other students by commenting on one
another’s blog. I can use a SMART Board
and have the students interact with the presentation of materials.
New curriculum which utilizes technology to advance student learning to prepare them for the jobs of the future

am hopeful that these trends will indeed shape the future of curriculum and we
can be successful teaching our students practical skills such as collaboration,
innovation, critical thinking, and communication.
Educators who are willing and able to learn, unlearn, and relearn as technology changes
I believe that we must have
educators who are willing and able to change as technology continues to change.
Fortunately there are organizations like the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE®) which are working to connect educators and create connected learners around the world.
YouTube: Technology
in the Classroom: Digital Media, Gabgorrilla, Oct 20, 2011
YouTube: The New
Basics: Classroom Technology,
vbaviatorproductions, Oct 18, 2012
12 Easy Ways to Use Technology in Your Classroom, Even for
Technophobic Teachers, Kim Haynes, http://www.teachhub.com/12-easy-ways-use-technology-your-classroom-even-technophobic-teachers
YouTube: iPads In The
Classroom, Government Technology, Mar 29, 2011
YouTube: Digital
Literacy-Using Technology in the Classroom, EDTP504, Mar 27, 2011
Three Trends That Will Shape the Future of Curriculum, Tina
Barseghian, February 4, 2011
The Occasional CEO, How to Spot a Digital Immigrant, Eric Schultz, Nov 30, 2012
Smartphone Picture: http://pixabay.com/en/smartphone-android-os-samsung-153650/
iPad Picture: https://www.flickr.com/photos/3gstore/4745626595/
Alvin Toffler Image: BrainyQuote http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alvin/toffl409080.html
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your posting. I hope things will have changed by the time my two girls are in school. I want them to enjoy their learning and not be bored with the classes that they are taking. I think that incorporating this technology will get the students involved and keep their interest. How many times do you see kids on their phones just for the sake of being on their phones? This is because they love to use technology. Just think what they kids would do if this was incorporated with their classes.